20 years of experience is with you with CALENERGY!

Nut Coal

Lignite Coal

It is sold in 25 kg packages. It is suitable for heating purposes in stoker heating systems. It is offered for sale in sizes of 10-18 mm.
Calori (MİN. 6000 KCal/Kg (-300 Tolerance))
Humidity (%18 Maximum)
Ash Rate (%10 Maximum)
Sulfur (%1,2 Maximum)

Walnut Coal

Lignite Coal

It is suitable for heating purposes in central heating boilers in central heating boilers, brick-bucket stoves and mass housing. It is offered for sale in sizes 18-150 mm. It is sold in 25 kg packages.
Calori (MİN. 6000 KCal/Kg (-300 Tolerance))
Humidity (%18 Maximum)
Ash Rate (%10 Maximum)
Sulfur (%1,2 Maximum)

Nut Coal

Bulk Coal

It is suitable for industrial use in stoker heating systems. It is offered for sale in sizes of 10-18 mm.
Kalori (MİN. 5000 KCal/Kg)
Nem (%18 Maksimum)
Kül Oranı (%10 Maksimum)
Kükürt (%1,2 Maksimum)


It is suitable for industrial use in heat, steam, and hot water boilers. It is offered for sale in 0.5-10 mm sizes. It is sold in bulk.
Kalori (MİN. 5000 KCal/Kg)
Nem (%14 Maksimum)
Kül Oranı (%10 Maksimum)
Kükürt (%1,16 Maksimum)


Powdered Coal

It is suitable for industrial use in heat, steam, and hot water boilers. It is offered for sale in 0.5-10 mm sizes. It is sold in bulk.
Kalori (MİN. 4500 KCal/Kg)
Nem (%15 Maksimum)
Kül Oranı (%17 Maksimum)
Kükürt (%1,1 Maksimum)


It is suitable for industrial use in heat, steam and hot water boilers. It is offered for sale in sizes 0-6 mm. It is sold in bulk.
Ask Rate

Mix 2800

It is suitable for industrial use in energy and steam boilers. It is offered for sale in sizes 0-10 mm. It is sold in bulk.
Kalori (MİN. 2800 KCal/Kg)
Nem (%4 Maksimum)
Kül Oranı (%37 Maksimum)
Kükürt (%1,19 Maksimum)

Mix 2000

It is suitable for industrial use for energy. It is offered for sale in sizes 0-1 mm. It is sold in bulk.
Kalori (MİN. 2800 KCal/Kg)
Nem (%15 Maksimum)
Kül Oranı (%50 Maksimum)
Kükürt (%1,21 Maksimum)

Soma Charcoal Properties

Soma coal is the best quality coal among domestic coals. The reason for this quality is that the coal basins in Soma have large reserves, high calories, low ash and sulfur rates. With the high-capacity lavvar (washing) facility on Cal Energy's site, the coals are produced as enriched coal by removing foreign materials such as stones, shale and mud.

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Alsancak Mah. Atatürk Cd. İmbat Plaza No:378/1 İç Kapı No:301 Konak/İZMİR

0232 464 02 33

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